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Introduction to Digital Implants

All About Digital Implants

334183.mp3 All About Digital Implants

All About Digital Implants 

Technological advancements today have had a significant impact on various industries and professions, leading to overall improvements. Dentistry is one such profession that has benefited from these advancements. As you know, the more advanced the technology in a field, the better the activities and services provided to customers and patients. Digital implants are one of these technological advancements in the field of dentistry and implant placement, utilizing the latest equipment and technologies for treatment. 

 Introduction to Digital Implants

In simple terms, digital implants are a treatment method designed to create ease, precision, and higher quality in dental implant placement. Essentially, digital implants involve the use of advanced and up-to-date equipment and technology in dentistry. In digital implants, all stages, from the preparation of the jawbone to the execution, are done through three-dimensional modeling on a computer. This reduces the need for cuts and pain for the patient and results in a more favorable outcome.


Features of Digital Implants

A significant feature of digital implants is the use of special X-rays and shields for the placement process. This provides the dentist with a roadmap, helping to quickly determine the precise points for implant placement. This method allows for implant placement with minimal cuts, resulting in less pain and bleeding, higher accuracy, and better quality.


Benefits of Digital Implants

- Patients experience minimal pain and bleeding.

- No need for cuts or gum surgery.

- Faster treatment duration.

- The implant placement process is expedited.

- It is possible to place multiple implants simultaneously, making it suitable for patients needing full-mouth implants.

- Ideal for the elderly and diabetic patients.

- The likelihood of implant rejection and treatment failure is very low.

- The densest points of the jawbone are selected for implant placement, leading to more successful treatments.


Risks of Digital Implants

Generally, digital implants have shown a high success rate. However, if the treatment is performed by unskilled individuals, potential risks and complications may arise:

- Infection and dental abscess

- Bruising, inflammation, and redness of the gums, possibly leading to facial swelling

- Damage to adjacent teeth or nerves, causing severe and throbbing pain

- Implant base fracture and loosening or falling out of the implant due to poor-quality implant brands or inexperienced dentists

- If the dentist lacks sufficient expertise, they may not properly assess the patient's condition, leading to improper implant selection and unsuccessful treatment


Suitable Candidates for Digital Implants

Suitable candidates for digital implants are those who may not be able to undergo traditional implant procedures. These include:

- Diabetic patients

- Heart patients

- Patients with narrow or short jawbones

- Patients with sufficient jawbone density and healthy oral tissues

- Patients should ideally be over 18-20 years old to ensure complete jawbone growth


Differences Between Digital and Traditional Implants

- Digital implants involve fewer cuts in the gums compared to traditional implants, resulting in less bleeding and pain, and a faster healing process.

- Pre-treatment examinations in traditional implants involve simple X-ray reviews, whereas, in digital implants, X-rays are analyzed using advanced software.

- With digital implants, it is possible to see the final smile design through a 3D model before the actual procedure.

- The final result of digital implants appears more natural and aesthetically pleasing than traditional methods.

- For placing the implant fixture in digital implants, a hole is made in the jawbone, whereas in traditional implants, the gum is cut longitudinally.

- The speed of digital implant placement is higher, and patients require fewer visits to the dentist compared to traditional implants.

- The recovery period for digital implants is shorter and more comfortable.

- Dentists can perform more efficiently and accurately with digital implant technology.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a quick, high-quality, and effective solution to replace missing teeth, digital implants are a suitable option. This method involves minimal bleeding and side effects, making it ideal for patients who fear implant procedures due to bleeding or complications. However, choosing a skilled dentist and high-quality implants is crucial for a successful outcome. While digital implants rarely fail, selecting an experienced dentist and quality implant brands can reduce the chances of failure to zero.

 Steps for Performing a Digital Implant


1. Choosing the Right Specialist

   - Select a qualified and experienced dental specialist.


2. Thorough Examination

   - Conduct a detailed examination of the mouth, teeth, and jawbone health, along with assessing other health indicators like blood pressure.


3. Necessary Imaging and Tests

   - Perform required X-rays and tests.


4. 3D Scanning

   - Take 3D scans of the teeth to determine the precise placement and size of the implants.


5. CT Scan

   - Conduct a CT scan of the jawbone to identify and locate nerves, ensuring implants are not placed on nerves to avoid damage.


6. Creating a Small Hole

   - Use a dental drill to create a small hole in the jawbone and place the implant post.


7. Follow-Up Examinations

   - Conduct follow-up examinations for 3 to 6 months post-implantation to ensure proper healing and integration of the implant post with the jawbone.


8. Digital Scanning for Crown Fabrication

   - Perform digital scans of the teeth without using traditional impression materials, using only 3D scanning to fabricate the abutment and crown.


9. Installing Abutments and Temporary Crown

   - Install the abutments and temporary crown. If there are no issues or defects with the crowns, the permanent crown is installed.


10. Post-Treatment Care

    - Adhere to proper post-treatment care, including brushing twice daily, using dental floss, and visiting the dentist for follow-up examinations.


Cost of Digital Implants

The cost of digital implants can vary based on the type, quality, and brand of the implant used. Additionally, the patient's oral and jaw condition may affect the method of implant placement, which in turn impacts the overall cost. Other factors influencing the cost include the dentist’s expertise and experience, the services offered by the clinic, and more.



In conclusion, if you are looking for a natural replacement for missing teeth that offers quick and high-quality execution with minimal side effects and a shorter treatment period, digital implants are the best option for you. However, it is crucial to consult with a dental specialist to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for digital implants based on your specific condition and needs.

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