Ayatollah Sayed Reza Firoozabadi, the son of the late Ayatollah Sayed Hashem, was born in the year 1871 in the village of Firoozabad in Shahriar city. He began his elementary education in his hometown of Firoozabad and continued his studies at the Asfiyah School near the Grand Mosque of Tehran. He pursued his education to the level of ijtihad, specializing in jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence, and Islamic sciences.

This religious scholar served as the representative of the people of Tehran and Shahriar in the Iranian National Consultative Assembly (Majles) for four terms during the years 1915 to 1943, spanning the third, sixth, seventh, and fourteenth sessions.

During his time as a member of parliament, he did not receive any salary. It was only when he decided to build a hospital in Shahriar that he received a salary from the parliament. He purchased a 5200-square-meter plot of land known as "Bagh Hormate AlDawlah" from the heirs and began constructing hospital buildings. He increased the number of hospital beds to 640. The hospital was inaugurated on the third day of December month in the year 1934 by the late Ayatollah Firoozabadi and is now considered one of the best hospitals in Tehran. In the subsequent years, Ayatollah Firoozabadi also built a modern maternity ward, a large mosque, an orphanage, and a large childcare center next to the hospital.

Ayatollah Firoozabadi was a virtuous individual who earned his livelihood through hard work and dedication, using his surplus income to support the servants of God. In this noble path, he followed the examples set by prophets and the righteous.

His commitment to building a hospital using his parliamentary earnings and establishing an orphanage, a mosque, and other charitable facilities is commendable.

On the fourth day of the month of August in the year 1965, at the age of 97, he answered the call of God and embarked on the eternal journey. He was laid to rest in the family mausoleum next to the Firoozabadi Mosque.


May his soul rest in peace, and may his path be filled with blessings.

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