• Apr 27 2024 - 10:26
  • - number of visits: 35
  • - Number of visitors: 29
  • Study time: 1 minute(s)
Observing Health Week with Respect

Observing Health Week with Respect

334229.mp3 Observing Health Week with Respect

Observing Health Week with Respect

According to the public relations department of Firouzabadi Hospital, affiliated with Iran University of Medical Sciences, various services were provided to patients and hospital staff during Health Week under the supervision of Ms. Faiz Dar, the head of the education department. 

The services provided during Health Week were as follows: 

1) Sunday: Family health, universal rights and responsibilities (face-to-face education was provided to approximately 30 accompanying family members of patients). 

2) Monday: Family health from education and upbringing to higher education (personal hygiene education was given to around 120 students at the school). 

3) Wednesday: Family health, social and psychological health (a health class was conducted for about 35 staff members). 

4) Thursday: Family health and health culture (health culture education was provided to approximately 42 patients). 

5) Friday: Family health, healthy eating, and regular exercise (education on the benefits of childbearing was given to around 25 patients in the maternity and neonatal ward). 

6) Saturday: Family health, healthy eating, and regular exercise (education on healthy nutrition was provided to staff and patients, and pamphlets on healthy nutrition were distributed among them, reaching approximately 52 individuals).

  • Newsgroup : News
  • News code : 334229
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