• Jan 6 2024 - 19:12
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Bassij Medical Community's Visit to the Mother of Martyrs on the Occasion of Women's Day

Bassij Medical Community Visit

321958.mp3 Bassij Medical Community Visit

According to the public relations of Firouzabadi Hospital, on the occasion of the birth of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA) and Women's Day, the mobilization group of the medical community of Firouzabadi Hospital, along with the prayer leader of Haj Agha Gangarlu Hospital and the accompanying delegation, as well as the mobilization group of the medical community of Iran University of Medical Sciences, and the representative of the University President, Dr. Miza Hussainian and his accompanying board, attended the home of the mothers of the martyrs Nourian Nasab. They paid tribute to the patience and perseverance of the mothers of the martyrs and the daughter of the martyr Nourian Nasab.

  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا
  • News code : 321958
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مهدی قاسمی


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